Hireside chat: The magnetism of a great company culture

Culture is the soul of your company; it’s intangible but not nebulous. In fact, it’s all around you. While you can’t quantify culture like a headcount or swipe it like a touchscreen, you can feel it. It can be the difference between an open office space and rows of beige cubicles. It can be the sound of employees collaborating or heading to lunch together. It can be an animated GIF sent in a company-wide email and the barrage of playful responses it generates. It can be giving employees the license to be themselves.

Culture is much more than a place and its perks; it’s about creating an ethos that empowers, inspires, and, ultimately, attracts. And if you do it just right, you will be known for it.
Source: mashable.com


Stegmeier Consulting’s Insight…

Culture plays such a large role in workplace change initiatives that our founder, Diane Stegmeier, actually included it as one of her “15 Critical Influences” that can affect the success of implementing a new strategy.

In this article, it is not difficult to see why.  The example company referenced had allowed a culture of distrust to manifest, and employees seemed to lack faith in and respect for their leadership.  When implementing a new workplace strategy, a challenge that could involve altering both how work gets done and in what type of environment, communication and strong leadership are a must to achieve employee buy-in.

When partnering with an organization, one of the first steps Stegmeier Consulting Group will often take is to perform a Critical Influence Analysis.  By conducting this analysis, our team will get a feel for your culture, as well as the 14 other factors that could make or break your workplace change.  Using the results, we’ll then develop recommendations and strategies to move forward appropriately.  Stegmeier Consulting does not offer canned solutions to any client.  Our work, which can involve surveys, communication plans, and program guides, is based on your organization, and what we learn about what it’s like to be part of your team.

Stegmeier Consulting Group can assist with a wide range of challenges involved in implementing a workplace change initiative.  Contact us to find out how our services can help your organization.



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Changing the way organizations manage workplace change